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Psychoeducational Evaluation Payment Plan

Get a diagnosis, documentation, and ​an individualized action plan—in just one month.
  • No Hidden Fees
  • Gold Standard Evaluations
  • No Waitlists
  • Guaranteed Satisfaction

What's included


Comprehensive psychoeducational evaluation conducted virtually by a licensed psychologist.


Clinically valid, detailed report that may be used for IEP and 504 plan consideration as well as work and school accommodations.


An hour long session with your psychologist to review your report and action plan.

Why get evaluated with Marker?

Designed by Experts

We worked with experts from top universities to develop the highest quality virtual assessment.

1 Month Turnaround

After the evaluation, you’ll receive a comprehensive diagnostic report and action plan within 30 days. No more waiting.

1/4 of the Cost

We work with the highest caliber psychologists and apply technology to make evaluations easier and more affordable.

See ya, Stigma

Most individuals who have been properly diagnosed will thrive in life and may even surpass their peers.

Meet the experts.

We work with the top clinicians and scientists in the field to deliver the highest quality evaluations.

Dr. Aquila Edwards

Director of Psychology

Dr. Monica McHale-Small

Learning Disability Advisor

Dr. Jim D’Alessandro

Psychologist Advisor


Signs of dyslexia become more apparent as academic or professional demands increase. The following are common symptoms of dyslexia: -Reading well below the expected level for age -Problems processing and understanding what he or she hears -Difficulty finding the right word or forming answers to questions -Problems remembering the sequence of letters or words -Difficulty seeing (and occasionally hearing) similarities and differences in letters and words -Inability to sound out the pronunciation of an unfamiliar word -Difficulty spelling -Spending an unusually long time completing tasks that involve reading or writing -Avoiding activities that involve reading
A psychoeducational evaluation is the general term for the combination of subtest and assessments that a licensed professional administers to determine if a student has a learning disability. Typical components of a psychoeducational evaluation include assessments of a student’s cognitive abilities and academic skills. Typically, and in the case of Marker Learning, a student’s performance on these tests are compared to those of hundreds of students in his or her age group so that the professional can create a clear picture of the student’s relative strengths and weaknesses and learning needs.
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, California, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin.
Yes! We evaluate adults up to age 50.
All Marker Learning evaluations cost $995. No hidden fees or extras. We believe in transparent pricing.