Posted By Marker Learning Team

Jan 27, 2023

6 Dyslexia Symptoms in Adults

6 Dyslexia Symptoms in Adults

40% of adults with dyslexia go undiagnosed as children. Find out what you need to know if you're diagnosed later in life.

Trouble mispronouncing words or getting through a long newspaper article? There’s a good chance you might have dyslexia—but you’re not the only one.

Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disabilities. In the US alone, there are 40 million adults who have it. That’s about 20% of the country’s entire population! 

But there’s more to this learning disability. Dyslexia is a life-long, neurobiological condition that runs in families. It affects the reading, writing, and spelling abilities of children and adults. As a result, it can be hard for people with dyslexia to communicate and express themselves. 

Having dyslexia can get in the way of academic, personal and professional life. But it does not mean you can’t be very successful. Even with dyslexia, you can overcome these challenges and achieve your goals. You’ll be surprised that there are a lot of famous people diagnosed with dyslexia, such as Pablo Picasso and Leonardo da Vinci, who turned this disability into their creative strength!   

Assessment and Diagnosis of Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a condition that becomes apparent in childhood, but without proper assessment, it often goes undiagnosed.Many dyslexics are not even aware that they have it. They master different coping mechanisms to mask these symptoms until adulthood. leaning on acronyms, rhyming words, and songs. Some even use spelling hacks to remember hard-to-read words, names, or even passwords. However, best case scenario is for dyslexia to be diagnosed early so that it can be managed through the right, evidence-based learning strategies.

Assessment is the first line of treatment needed to address dyslexia. It involves a comprehensive evaluation to identify the source of difficulty in their reading and writing processes. A professional then arrives at a diagnosis before recommending further interventions.

In the past, getting a quality evaluation for dyslexia could be a long and tedious process—not to mention—expensive. Even though it’s ideal to get assessed as early as possible, it required a significant investment of time and resources.

Fortunately, affordable and accessible dyslexia evaluations that offer expert guidance are now available—even virtually. There’s also no need to wait around months or years for the result. Marker’s  evaluations offer a faster turnaround compared to traditional assessments, without sacrificing quality.

Symptoms of Dyslexia

Recognizing the signs of dyslexia play an integral part in addressing this disorder. It allows patients to get the support they need to reach their full potential. Here are some of the most common signs of dyslexia in adults that you need to know.

Reading difficulties
There are words everyone finds hard to pronounce. But for adults with dyslexia, reading is a difficult task in general. They have a more challenging time pronouncing common words and often jumble syllables and letters. For example, they read “won” as “now” or “late” as “tale.”

People with dyslexia often get stuck reading longer words or phrases, so they tend to leave them out when speaking. They also find it difficult to express themselves because they lack the words to explain how they feel. Because of this, they may choose not to engage in conversations and interactions among peers and coworkers as readily.

Thinking in pictures and feelings
Most people with dyslexia struggle with letters and numbers. But they have a good memory of experiences, images, and faces. Most dyslexics also think visually or in images so it’s easier for them to remember things they have personally experienced or encountered. However, they can quickly forget passwords, names, pin codes, dates, and telephone numbers.

Although they are visual learners, dyslexic people are also sensitive to changes in pictorial aids. For example, changes in paper, color, and even fonts make it more difficult for them to read or comprehend the material. 

Writing errors
Putting their ideas into paper and drafting sentences together may also be challenging for people with dyslexia since reading and writing are connected skills. So even if they are knowledgeable in the subject they want to discuss, they may find it challenging to write about it. 

Spelling errors, such as mistaking ‘d’ for ‘p,’ are also prevalent among those with dyslexic symptoms. Other related signs of dyslexia in adults include poor legibility, grammatical errors, and limited vocabulary despite continuous practice. 

Out-of-the-box thinking
Adults with dyslexia often think in a unique way. They have a different way of looking at things and understanding situations. This kind of thought process eventually translates to out-of-the-box ideas and innovations. 

Dyslexic people flourish in visual industries like arts, engineering, interior designing, and music producing, among others. Some of the most influential people are diagnosed with dyslexia, such as Winston Churchill, Amadeus Mozart, Cher, and Benjamin Franklin. One thing they have in common? Creativity. 

Poor Coordination
Adults who struggle with dyslexia can have poor coordination skills. For example, they have difficulty identifying left and right and are prone to get lost even with directions. They also have trouble reading maps, especially if they contain written legends or words. 

Low self-esteem
Having low self-esteem is also a sign of dyslexia. People who have this disability may appear less capable than their peers due to their inability to express their ideas. Since they struggle to communicate effectively, it eventually affects their overall self-confidence.

If left undiagnosed, adults with dyslexia symptoms might internalize this negative self-perception. It can also cause other psychological disorders that may further affect their physical and emotional wellness. However, with the right intervention and motivation, they can be empowered to be the best that they can be.

The Takeaway

Dyslexia in adults manifests through various symptoms.  An official diagnosis through proper assessment is paramount to understanding oneself and informing future success.

Here at Marker Learning, we understand that each individual with dyslexia may experience it differently. The good news is that our team of specialists can give the care and clarity that you need with our gold-standard psychoeducational evaluation. 

We deliver accurate results fast so that you can unlock new learning opportunities as soon as possible. So kickstart your learning journey by booking a free consultation with one of our learning disability specialists today.

Posted By Marker Learning Team Jan 27, 2023
